No Township poster 2020

‘No to the Loxley Valley township!’ poster available for download

It’s taken a long time for any notices to be posted around the valley to let people know about the new planning application for up to 300 homes, so we’ve decided to produce our own!

The poster you see in this photograph is revived and re-versioned from 2005. That’s when Bovis Homes first proposed a major new housing complex in the valley bottom.

We’re still ploughing through the 1400 pages of planning application from Patrick Properties that have now been lodged with the city council in the middle of lockdown.

There’s little we can support in what we’ve read so far, so we feel we have no option but to urge the city council to reject the application.

The poster spells that message out in simple, clear terms that we hope will resonate around the valley.

How to download and use the poster

Please feel free to download the poster, to share it, put it in your window, pass it on to your friends and neighbours, put it on a local notice board. Anything that will get it seen and read!

All this will help to tell people about the planning application and to make their views known.

The links on the poster are active. So if you share it online people can click through  to our website and social media.

There’s also a QR code that people can scan from their phones if they see the poster around the valley. This will take them straight to our website where they can learn more.

The link below will take you to the poster.

Thank you again for your interest and for your support!

NB if you put up a poster in a public place, would you please then take responsibility for monitoring its condition, and for removing it when it is no longer needed?

Posters can very easily become litter, and we would not want that to happen to ours!


Mr. Anthony Wrtagg

My wife and I object strongly to this development as I regard this is a beauty spot and the area is full of wild life, bats, owls
etc. The public use the woodland paths on a regular basis, by this I mean daily. Most of these walker live in extremely built up areas and therefore being able to access this beautiful area is essential. Also how can Planning permission be given to this development of 300 houses on land that has flooded on a regular basis over the past few year, 2019 was the last time.
Peoples livelihoods and homes are also at stake.
This development should on no account be allowed to happen.

I strongly object to the proposed building of 300 houses in the Loxley Valley. Where is the evidence these houses are necessary? It is yet another abuse of the Green Belt and no consideration for the existing residents. It will not only cause traffic problems in the Malin Bridge and Hillsborough areas by increased traffic it will add to Stannington too because of the increased amount of traffic. It is already used as a cut through for people to get from one side of the Rivelin Valley to the other by using country lanes and is very dangerous and the Loxley proposed build will also add to this.
Stannington too was a village but has had various areas allowed to be built on and again the Green Belt ignored by Sheffield City Planning Department. The latest of these is the building on the Cricket ground. It has always been known the ground is unstable and regularly floods but that was ignored. The consequences of this are that local residents have to put up with the road being flooded, piling that has caused a week of consistently deafening hammering all day, lorries not only causing traffic problems and driving up Stannington Road as if they were on a race track in a dangerous manner. This is under the pretext that sheltered accommodation is needed. No – it was an excuse to build more unnecessary houses.
Loxley project is just another excuse to deal with the abandon Hepworth building so they can build houses. It is time someone in the Planning Department should wake up and appreciate this is getting out of hand by ruining more of our city’s treasures.

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