Friends of the Loxley Valley aim to beat Himalayan Balsam

Friends of the Loxley Valley aim to beat Himalayan Balsam

Friends of the Loxley Valley are appealing for help to beat back the rapidly spreading Himalayan Balsam that is threatening to dominate parts of the local riverside landscape.

We’re asking you to let us know if you spot the invasive plant taking a toehold in the valley, so that we can organise “balsam bashing” sessions to stop it getting out of control.

We hope to remove as much of the balsam as we can, before it becomes dominant and stifles native plants along the Loxley valley. But we need your help to do it!

What is Himalayan Balsam?

Himalayan Balsam, or Indian Balsam, is a non-native plant that was introduced to the UK about 200 years ago.

It’s also sometimes known as “jumping jack”. This is because of its explosive seed pods that can fire seeds up to seven metres from the parent plant, which can be between 6ft and 10ft tall. And each plant can produce up to 800 seeds!

Its tall canopy blocks out light, stifling smaller native plants.

Bees and other pollinators are attracted to balsam blossom in preference to other flowers. This reduces plant diversity and ultimately affects the food chain for local wildlife.

Balsam also alters soil conditions. It’s shallow rooted, and once it dies back there’s less root matter to bind the soil. This increases the risk of erosion and the silting of watercourses.

And it blocks access to paths and waterways, costing time and money to clear it from affected areas.

Small wonder that it’s an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act to plant or cause balsam to grow in the wild.

How can we tackle Himalayan Balsam in the Loxley valley?

Photo of Himalayan Balsam growing in the Loxley valley

Himalayan Balsam growing in the Acorn Hill woods near Low Matlock.

Balsam is now prevalent along the River Don. It’s spreading rapidly as the climate gets warmer and wetter. And it’s gaining a hold in tributaries such as the Loxley and Rivelin. It spreads downstream.

We need your help to identify places where Himalayan Balsam is growing in the Loxley valley.

Once we know where it is, we hope to undertake “balsam bashing” sessions in August and early September before it sets seed. We may also do a few trial runs later this month.

We hope to work with Riverlution who can provide equipment, expertise and skills to tackle more inaccessible areas.

In the short term – before the end of July – if you spot any please note the location and let Nick Blaney, who is a FoLV member and is coordinating the survey, know on

Ideally we need either an Ordnance Survey grid reference or a what3words location. If you have a smartphone, OSLocate is a great piece of free software and of course there is the what3words app. If you can, please also take a picture.

How can I identify Himalayan Balsam in the Loxley valley?

You can identify it very easily in the flowering season from its bright pink or purple flowers.

But it’s also very distinctive during the growing season with its large serrated leaves that grow at right angles to the leaves above and below them.

It can grow between 6ft and 10ft tall. See pictures of both states at the bottom of this post. There is also a great video to help identification on youtube.

If you feel it is safe to do so and you are confident in your identification, you can remove balsam yourself. Pull from the base to get the shallow roots out of the ground, snap the stalk to weaken it, and leave the plants in a dry space, well above the waterline and potential high water level. Please do not leave on the footpath itself though.

Please still take photos before and after, and let us know the location via the email address above.

Thanks very much for your help in this!

Photo of Himalayan Balsam flower

Himalayan Balsam in flower

Photo of Himalayan Balsam leaves
Himalayan Balsam leaves
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Loxley valley water power sites added to South Yorkshire Local Heritage List

Loxley valley water power sites added to South Yorkshire Local Heritage List

Great news for the Loxley valley – our historic water power sites along the valley have received official recognition on the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List.

Inclusion on the List reflects the local historic significance of the water power sites in the valley bottom, where numerous dams and water wheels powered industry for hundreds of years.

The listing provides details of twelve separate water power sites along the River Loxley and Storrs Brook, between Stacey Bank and Malin Bridge.

Together they made up an integrated water power system stretching the entire length of the valley.

Remains of most of them still exist in the form of weirs, dams, goits (water channels running adjacent to the river), mill buildings and some of the historic wheels and wheel pits.

Some of these sites are already recognised nationally as “Grade Two listed buildings”, reflecting their wider significance in the emergence of water power.

There are nationally listed water power buildings at Olive Mill, Low Matlock (which is also a Scheduled Ancient Monument), and Malin Bridge Corn Mill.

The South Yorkshire Local Heritage List identifies heritage features that do not enjoy national protection, but still contribute to the distinctiveness and history of the local area.

Adding the whole valley to the South Yorkshire List means local historic significance should be taken into account in any planning decisions that affect the water power remains, although it won’t provide the same level of protection as national designation.

How can I see details of the new South Yorkshire listing?

The South Yorkshire Local Heritage List has a dedicated website run by the South Yorkshire Archaeology Service.

All the heritage features that have been placed on the Local Heritage List can be viewed there.

This link will take you directly to listing for the Loxley valley water power assets, where you can read the full submission and see the photographs that accompany it:

How did the Loxley valley water power listing come about?

The listing submission was prepared by a heritage working group including members of Friends of the Loxley Valley, Friends of the Loxley Cemetery and the Bradfield Historical Society.

We began work last year, basing our research on local knowledge and observation, and also drawing extensively on the “Water Power on the Sheffield Rivers” book that was published by the South Yorkshire Industrial History Society.
Our submission was approved and officially placed on the list this month (September 2023).

It joins similar listings for the Rivelin valley that were submitted by the Rivelin Valley Conservation Group.

Together, the two valleys played a huge role in Sheffield’s emergence as a major industrial city.

We hope that these local heritage listings will help us to achieve further recognition and protection for our unique and fascinating local water power heritage.

The Olive Wheel weir near Rowell Bridge in the Loxley valley

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Friends of the Loxley Valley start work to rediscover old stone slab footpath

Friends of the Loxley Valley start work to rediscover old stone slab footpath

Volunteers from Friends of the Loxley Valley have started work to “rediscover” historic stone slabs on the public footpath running up Loxley Bank from Rowell Bridge to Stannington.

We’ve cut back brambles and scraped off soil that had accumulated over many years. This had produced a thick layer of turf that was obliterating most of the original stone surface.

Underneath the turf, we were stunned to find the first stretch of the old slabs is still beautifully laid. The slabs are in excellent condition despite years of abandonment and neglect.

We’re not sure whether anybody knows the detailed history of the stones and when they were laid.

Potentially they date back hundreds of years. That’s when local mill owners needed a firm and dry surface to get workers and materials to and from the old water wheels in the valley bottom.

The footpath runs all the way up Loxley Bank, starting at the old packhorse bridge over the river and running through the fields to the Acorn Hill estate.

Bits of the old stone surface can be seen pretty much all the way up where the grass and scrub has not yet grown over it.

First steps to assess the task

Four volunteers from FoLV spent a couple of hours this week at the bottom end of the path to get an idea of how much work would be involved in clearing it.

We started at the top of the steps just above the packhorse bridge, and cleared a thick layer of bramble and scrub that had pushed out over the line of the path.

We then carefully used spades to scrape off the layer of roots and turf that was covering the stones.

Then we brushed and gently scraped the slabs underneath to reveal a 10 yard section of the original path in all its glory.

It’s a seriously impressive part of the Loxley valley heritage: a beautifully crafted four feet wide jigsaw of local stone, laid flat and with immaculately straight edges. Some real Sheffield craftwork went into creating this!

Should we take the project further?

Clearing these stones dovetails with the footpath stewardship work that we’ve agreed with the city council’s public rights of way officer.

Our work focuses mainly on the valley bottom path between Rowell Bridge and Olive Mill, but we’re gradually taking on other tasks when we have the volunteer numbers and the time.

We’d be very interested in the views of FoLV members and other local people on whether clearing the old stone path would be a footpath heritage project worth taking further.

If we’re to press on, we may need to set aside more time, and we may need more volunteers.

But just look at the photos below to see the section of path that we rediscovered in just a few hours this week. This is local heritage and local folk history! Wouldn’t it be a shame if it was to become lost and forgotten forever?

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Friends of the Loxley Valley members hold second footpath trimming session

Friends of the Loxley Valley members hold second footpath trimming session

Friends of the Valley members have this week held a second footpath trimming session to help keep the main valley bottom footpath clear of overgrowing vegetation.

We pruned and trimmed the ‘tapping rail’ between Olive Mill and Rowell Bridge and lightly pruned a bit of tree growth that was dropping below head height.

We also cleared a few bits of dog muck that were on the path near Rowell Bridge, (come on folks, there’s a pooh bin there!).

It was the second time we’ve worked on this stretch of path, following our first session last month, (see earlier news post here).

We finished work on the path a bit earlier than we expected, so we then nipped across the river to clear some badly overgrown duckboards on the parallel footpath.

FoLV would like to thank all the members who’ve volunteered to take part in the work sessions. Our voluntary work helps the council’s hard-pressed public rights of way team to concentrate on urgent repairs from a very limited budget.

Work sessions are open to all Friends of the Loxley Valley members. Membership is open to all. See the ‘Get Involved’ page on this website for more information.

Photograph of overgrown duckboards on the south side of the river.

This duckboard bridge is on the footpath on the south side of the river. It was disappearing under shrubbery and grass, so we tidied it up.

Friends of the Loxley Valley members working to clear the overgrown duckboards

Friends of the Loxley Valley members working to clear the overgrown duckboards

Photograph of the duckboards after we cleared the vegetation

Job done! We’ve cleared the duckboards of overgrowth. Walkers can see the way ahead and get across without stumbling or tripping.

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Friends of the Loxley Valley receive £200 community grant from Bradfield Parish Council

Friends of the Loxley Valley receive £200 community grant from Bradfield Parish Council

Friends of the Loxley Valley are delighted to have received a £200 grant from Bradfield Parish Council to help us to do environmental work around the valley.

The community grant award will pay for public liability insurance and a set of high vis safety vests.

It will make it possible for FoLV members to start projects such as footpath maintenance work and litter picks.

Initially, we hope to start work along the stretch of “Easy Access” footpath between Rowell Lane and Olive Mill.

We hope to help keep it clean and tidy, and to help keep the “tapping rail” alongside the path clear of vegetation.

We will also do similar work along a short stretch of footpath further down the valley, between Loxley Road and Low Matlock Lane.

Bradfield Parish Council Chair Councillor Stephen Bennett presented the £200 cheque to FoLV treasurer Andrew Holmes and secretary Stewart Kemp before a recent parish council meeting.

“Friends of the Loxley Valley would like to thank Councillor Bennett and his fellow parish councillors for this generous community grant,” said Stewart Kemp.

“The money will help our members to work safely and visibly as we begin to do practical work around the valley.

“We’re all aware of the financial pressures facing local councils as they try to keep on top of countryside management and footpath maintenance work.

“We hope that FoLV members working as community volunteers will help to keep the Loxley valley looking at its best.”

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Wadsley and Loxley Commoners to stage summer art show

Wadsley and Loxley Commoners to stage summer art show

The Wadsley and Loxley Commoners (WALC) are appealing for local artists to show off their talents at a summer art show.

If you’re inspired by your visits to the Common, WALC ask you to express yourself artistically so that they can showcase how the Commons have fired people’s imaginations.

They’re asking for paintings, collage, photography, sculpture, or anything else that’s inspired by the Commons.

“You don’t need a lot to get going, just an interest, imagination perhaps, possibly observation, a few materials or even found objects, and a wish to have a go,” say WALC.

“Children’s art work is very welcome and would be lovely to have too. Its for all ages!”

The art will be put on public display at the RIVA cafe on Laird Road from Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th September, and at Wadsley Church Hall on the evening of Saturday 18th September.

They ask you to take your artistic work to the church hall from 4pm to 6pm on Friday 10th September.

Alternatively you can contact the organisers Jenny Laird or Hannah Isherwood to find out more.

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Friends of the Loxley Valley welcome planning inquiry decision

Friends of the Loxley Valley welcome planning inquiry decision

We are delighted and relieved that the Planning Inspector has upheld Sheffield City Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the proposed Loxley valley township.

The Inspector, Martin Whitehead, has just announced his decision following the three-week planning inquiry hearing in April and June.

He has ruled that the proposed development of up to 300 homes on the old ‘Hepworth’ factory site would substantially harm Green Belt countryside.

He said the development was in breach of national planning policy, and would damage the special character of the Loxley valley.

He highlighted the Loxley river valley as an important “Green Corridor” that required safeguarding.

The old factory buildings were in mature woodland that largely screened them from view, he said. In contrast, the proposed development would urbanise and intensify activity on the site, altering its character and encroaching into the countryside.

This would result in “a suburban domestic setting that would visibly increase activity and lighting and result in greater noise in the area both during the night and day”.

Mr Whitehead said the development would lead to unacceptable loss of mature trees, and he was unconvinced that it would not damage ecology and biodiversity.

The site was also in a steep valley bottom and remote from local services – an unsustainable location that would leave new residents dependent on their cars for their everyday needs.

Mr Whitehead recognised that redeveloping the site would bring some benefits. But he ruled that developers Patrick Properties had failed to set out the very special circumstances needed to justify building on this scale in the Green Belt.

“The site would change from largely abandoned buildings in a woodland setting to a well-used, domestic residential, suburban area,” he said.

“The proposal would be harmful to the special character of the Loxley valley.”

Our reaction

Friends of the Loxley Valley believe the result is a victory for common sense. It reflects the views of the many hundreds of local people who opposed the scheme.

Almost a thousand people objected to the original planning application. Numerous local groups and elected representatives added their voices, including our two local MPs, and the councillors for our local wards.

Thank you to everybody who supported us

Friends of the Loxley Valley and CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire would like to say a huge “Thank You!” to everybody who donated to our planning inquiry fighting fund.

Your commitment and generosity made it possible for us to participate fully in the planning inquiry alongside Sheffield City Council.

We told the Planning Inspector that local people want the old factories cleaned up and the site restored. But not in a way that causes more problems than it solves.

We argued that a new suburb of 300 homes would dominate the beautiful Green Belt valley bottom on the edge of the Peak District National Park.

It would also have created an unsustainable isolated enclave, leaving hundreds of residents dependent on their cars for most of their everyday needs.

Sheffield City Council voiced similar concerns.

The council presented powerful evidence on damage to Green Belt, landscape and ecology, including substantial tree loss. They also were clear that the site was an unsustainable location for large scale housing.

And local groups including the South Yorkshire Bat Group and Hallamshire Historic Buildings warned of the impact on biodiversity and industrial heritage.

We now hope to resume talks with the developers

Now that the inquiry is over, we hope to resume talks with the site owners, Patrick Properties, about alternative plans.

We are not resistant to change. Quite the opposite. Most of the old factory buildings have stood derelict for too long. 

We hope that there might now be scope for compromise. The Loxley valley is a remarkable place, providing a gateway from one of the UK’s biggest cities to a remote corner of the country’s most-loved national park.

We hope the old factory site can be remediated to achieve outstanding environmental standards that Sheffield can be proud of.

With determination and willingness, we hope that all parties may now be able to work together to achieve that.

Please consider supporting the local CPRE

Friends of the Loxley Valley would like to thank CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire for their unwavering help and support in fighting the long planning battle.

Our two organisations worked closely together to object to the original planning application. We then presented a strongly argued joint case to the planning inquiry.

Friends of the Loxley Valley could not have done this alone. The planning system is complicated, daunting and difficult to understand for local people who want to make their views known. The CPRE team provided invaluable planning expertise and experience.

The local CPRE depends entirely on charitable donations. FoLV urges all members and supporters to donate to CPRE PDSY and to consider becoming a member of the local charity.

You can donate or join online here:

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