Patrick Properties

Loxley valley planning inquiry adjourns until Monday June 7th

Loxley valley planning inquiry adjourns until Monday June 7th

The planning inquiry into the proposed redevelopment of the old Loxley valley factories has now adjourned until Monday 7th June.

We and CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire are taking part in the proceedings as a major, ‘Rule 6’ party thanks to your generous contributions to our planning appeal fighting fund.

This means we are putting our own evidence to the inquiry. We can also ask questions of the witnesses who are appearing on behalf of Patrick Properties.

We will present our closing submission to the Planning Inspector Martin Whitehead on the final day of the hearing in June once we have heard all the evidence.

We are arguing that the proposed township of up to 300 homes is the wrong development in the wrong place, and would transform the character of the Loxley valley.

What evidence have we presented so far?

We believe we have presented our case strongly during the first two weeks of evidence in April.

Andy Tickle from the CPRE presented our opening statement when the inquiry opened on Tuesday 13th April. He said we supported Sheffield City Council’s reasons for refusing planning permission.

He said the proposed development of up to 300 homes would dramatically change the pattern of settlement in the valley.

It would constitute significant urban sprawl into Green Belt countryside and damage Sheffield’s western rural fringe.

Andy told Planning Inspector Martin Whitehead the scheme failed to meet Government requirements for sustainable development.

He said a new settlement on this scale would be too far from local amenities, lacked viable walking or cycling routes, and would be poorly served by public transport.

We developed these points in more detail when our transport witness Anne Robinson took part in an inquiry round table discussion.

She said people living on the new housing site would be dependent on their cars.

Public transport would be poor, and walking and cycling journeys would be too far, on steep and sometimes hazardous public footpaths and rural roads.

Our planning consultant Andrew Wood presented detailed evidence on how the scheme would affect Green Belt countryside. He told the Planning Inspector that a sprawling housing scheme would dominate the valley bottom.

As an example of its impact, the old millpond at the centre of the site would lose its quiet rural character.

Trees could be lost, its banks would potentially be altered for flood defences, and its character would be transformed by a busy new road running next to it.

He told the inquiry the site needed more modest and sensitive development in keeping with its quiet Green Belt rural location on the edge of a national park.

Who else has given evidence to the inquiry?

The inquiry is considering an appeal by Patrick Properties Strategic Land against Sheffield City Council’s refusal of outline planning permission for up to 300 homes on the site of the old ‘Hepworth’ refractory works.

Sheffield City Council is defending its decision, arguing the refusal was made for valid planning reasons.

Both Patrick Properties and the council have produced expert witnesses to put forward their views on landscape and design, accessibility, ecology and biodiversity, contamination, and whether Sheffield is meeting Government targets to build enough new homes.

The South Yorkshire Bat Group have also given detailed evidence. They say too little is known about the impact of the redevelopment on protected species of bat.

Local people with strong views for and against the scheme took the opportunity to present their views to the Planning Inspector on the first day of the inquiry.

Speakers against the scheme included the Sheffield Hallam MP, Olivia Blake, and Stannington ward councillor Penny Baker. Both made strong points.

What happens next?

There wasn’t quite enough time, given scheduling problems to hear Patrick Properties’ planning witness give evidence.

He will do so when the inquiry resumes in June. Our barrister will cross-examine him on his evidence.

There will also be a session on what ‘conditions’ should be placed on the development if the Inspector allows the appeal and gives planning permission for it go ahead.

The ‘conditions’ are special safeguards, imposed to reduce impacts and to ensure that promises of benefits are kept.

Once the hearing has finished, the Planning Inspector may take some time to consider his verdict. The outcome may not be known until later in the summer.

Thank you so much for your fighting fund donations

Taking part in the inquiry has been hugely demanding. We would not have been able to do it without the remarkably generous donations to our ‘Save Loxley Valley’ fighting fund.

Thank you so much to every single person who has donated! Every single donation has helped us on the way.

We are proud to say that we have now exceeded our initial £15,000 target.

We do still have a little way to go to be certain we have covered all our costs, partly because the inquiry is taking longer than originally expected.

Our GoFundMe crowdfunder site remains open for donations. We would be deeply grateful for any further contributions.

Thank you again! Your support means so much to us.

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What happens next in the Loxley valley planning inquiry

What happens next in the Loxley valley planning inquiry

The planning inquiry into the proposed redevelopment of the old Loxley valley factories begins its second week of hearing evidence today, Monday April 19th.

This post briefly summarises what has happened so far. We summarise what the appeal hearing is all about. We also explain what is due to happen this week and later. And we explain why it will take some time before the Inspector’s decision is known.

What has happened so far?

In the first week of the inquiry, the parties presented their opening statements. Concerned members of the public were able to state their views for and against the scheme.

And the Planning Inspector chaired ‘Round Table’ discussions to assess whether Sheffield has a five-year supply of housing land, what the ‘landscape and visual impact’ of the housing scheme would be, and what the consequences would be for ecology and biodiversity.

What is the inquiry trying to decide, and how are we involved?

The inquiry is considering an appeal by Patrick Properties Strategic Land. They are contesting Sheffield City Council’s refusal of outline planning permission for a new township of up to 300 homes on the site of the old ‘Hepworth’ refractory works.

Sheffield City Council is defending its decision. The council says the refusal was made for valid planning reasons.

We and CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire are taking part in the proceedings as a fully involved ‘Rule 6 party’. This is thanks to your generous contributions to our planning appeal fighting fund.

This means we are putting our own evidence to the inquiry. And we can question the witnesses who appear on behalf of Patrick Properties.

What is the timetable for the rest of the inquiry?

The inquiry hearing was due to resume at 2pm on Monday, April 19th.

It is then due to take evidence on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Then it is due to adjourn until at least another two days of evidence in early June.

The long break is because some witnesses and legal representatives are not available in the final week of April.

Once the hearing has finished, the Planning Inspector may take some time to consider his verdict. The outcome may not be known until later in the summer.

What is due to happen this week?

Today our transport witness Anne Robinson will take part in a ‘Round Table’ discussion on the accessibility of the site.

She will give detailed evidence on why the new development would be too remote from everyday amenities. She will say it lacks viable walking or cycling routes, and has poor public transport links.

There will then be further ‘Round Table’ discussions this week on housing need and land supply, and on contamination on the site.

Later this week, the inquiry is due to hear detailed examination and cross examination of the main planning witnesses.

Our planning consultant Andrew Wood is due to give his detailed evidence on Wednesday.

You can follow the inquiry via a video livestream on the Planning Inspectorate YouTube channel. This link will connect you to it:

We have decided to refrain from detailed opinion or commentary while the proceedings are active.  

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‘Why have Sheffield City Council sent me a Loxley valley planning letter?’

‘Why have Sheffield City Council sent me a Loxley valley planning letter?’

‘Why did Sheffield City Council sent me a Loxley valley planning letter just before Christmas?’

It’s a good question, and one that many people around the Loxley valley will have been asking as this official letter arrived with the Christmas cards at the end of last year.

So we’ve posted this web page to try to explain, and to provide some guidance on how you might want to respond.

Patrick Properties have appealed against the council’s refusal of planning permission

Sheffield City Council refused planning permission for a township of up to 300 homes on the old ‘Hepworth’ brickworks site in the Loxley valley.

The developers, Patrick Properties Strategic Land, are appealing against that decision.

They hope to persuade a Planning Inspector that the council got it wrong, and that the decision should be overturned.

They will present their case to a public planning inquiry starting on Monday, April 12th. It is likely to last for ten days.

The council will fight the appeal. They will present their own evidence, arguing they applied planning policies correctly. They want the refusal to stand.

Friends of the Loxley Valley intend to support the council. We hope to present our own evidence too. We think a huge unsustainable housing scheme would be disastrous for the Loxley valley.

So, back to the question: ‘Why have I got this letter?’

You will have received the letter if you made your views known to the council before the original planning decision.

Over 900 local people and organisations objected to the planning application and wrote to the Sheffield planners to air their concerns.

The council has written to you now so that YOUR views can be made known to the planning inquiry if you want this to happen.

You can do this in two ways.

Firstly, if you are happy with your original objection, you do not need to do anything. The council will pass your objection on to the Planning Inspector. He will read it, and he will take it into account with all the other evidence.

Can I make additional points to the Planning Inspector?

Yes. If you want to add to your original objection, you can do that too. This is the second way of making your views known.

We have drafted a guidance note to explain how you can do that, and how to make sure your views are taken into account.

But you must now act quickly! The deadline for representations is Wednesday, January 20th.

You may also want to read the detailed Statement of Case that forms the basis of the appeal by Patrick Properties. We think many of their arguments are weak, and we intend to challenge them at the inquiry.

You can download both documents here:

Can I make my views known if I didn’t object to the original planning application?

Yes! Everybody has the democratic right to make their views known to the Planning Inspector.

It is not too late to set out your concerns. A huge housing development would affect all our lives locally, for example through the impact on local roads and services.

If you are worried about this, you have the right to make your case heard.

But if you do write, try to set down evidence to support your fears. For example, if you feel Loxley Road is already carrying too much traffic, set out your experiences and concerns.

Please see our guidance link in the previous section of this post.

Please help us by donating to our Fighting Fund now

Friends of the Loxley Valley is run entirely by community volunteers. We’re happy to provide the guidance and information on this website free of charge.

But we will need expert professional help so that we can present strong evidence at the planning inquiry.

We need to raise thousands of pounds so that we can pay for professional planning experts. They will help us to prepare and present our case.

The more we can raise; the stronger we hope our case will be. And the more we raise, the more professional expertise and representation we can secure.

We and our campaign partners CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire have set up a fighting fund appeal to raise the money.

Thank you! We know how hard everyone’s finances are pushed at the moment. But every donation, however small, will really help us on our way!

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Developers to appeal against Loxley valley housing decision

Developers to appeal against Loxley valley housing decision

Developers Patrick Properties have said they intend to appeal against refusal of planning permission for their Loxley valley housing scheme.

The company’s agents, Avison Young, have written to Sheffield City Council giving them formal notification of the appeal process.

They say the appeal is likely to be submitted on Wednesday, 4th November.

Then a formal public planning inquiry is likely to follow in the new year.

The letter to the council estimates the length of the inquiry at ten days.

The appeal follows refusal of planning permission for a township of up to 300 homes on the old Hepworth refractory site, as reported earlier on this website

The planning application attracted widespread opposition, leading to over 900 objections from local people and organisations.

Friends of the Loxley Valley’s reaction

Friends of the Loxley Valley are disappointed to hear of the appeal.

Now we must wait to learn more about the company’s grounds for appeal.

Once we know more, we will work closely with campaign partners including CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire to give voice to local concerns at the appeal hearing.

We and the CPRE will monitor developments closely and will do our best to keep the community informed as things progress.

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