Autumn view of the old Hepworth factory site

Friends of the Loxley Valley launch planning appeal fighting fund

Friends of the Loxley Valley have launched a fundraising drive to fight plans for the Loxley valley township.

Our ‘Save Loxley valley’ fighting fund is being run jointly with our campaign partners CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire.

We are appealing for donations to help us ensure local concerns are voiced effectively at a planning inquiry hearing later this year.

If you’d like to donate, you can give money NOW using the online site GoFundMe:

Why do we need the money?

The fighting fund will help us to prepare for a public planning inquiry later this year.

Developers Patrick Properties have appealed against Sheffield City Council’s refusal of planning permission.

They want to build up to 300 homes on the redundant Hepworth refractory works at the valley’s heart..

A Planning Inspector will hear their case at an inquiry beginning on Monday 12th April.

The hearing is likely to be held online, and will last for an estimated ten days.

Sheffield City Council are fighting the appeal, arguing there were good grounds for refusing planning permission.

We support the council, but we also want the Planning Inspector to be in no doubt about how strongly local people feel.

What will the money pay for?

Your donations will help us to pay for professional planning experts and possibly legal representation to help us to fight our case.

And the more you give, the greater our chances of winning and defending the city’s democratic decision!

We believe that the Loxley valley deserves a better solution than unsustainable mass housing.

Even a small donation will help us on our way. Every single pound donated WILL make a difference and will help us to save the Loxley valley from urban sprawl.

How to donate

This link will take you to the GoFundMe account where you can donate money now 

You can donate using a PayPal account, or by using a debit or credit card.

The fighting fund money is being held in a secure ring-fenced charity bank account by our campaign partners CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire.

If you are a taxpayer, please tick the ‘Gift Aid’ box when you make your donation. This means the charity can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.

It won’t cost you any extra, but it will help your money to go further and to work harder!

If you would prefer to donate by cheque, please make your cheque payable to CPRE PDSY. Please write ‘Loxley valley appeal’ on the back of the cheque, and send it to the following address:

Victoria Hall,
37 Stafford Road.
S2 2SF.

Thank you so much for your support!


I received notification by letter from the Council (on the basis I had registered a prior objection) stating that the developers have lodged an appeal. I fully support the efforts of the Sheffield City Council, Bradfield Parish Council, the Friends of Loxley Valley and others in fighting the appeal.

However, the site itself is derelict. The land is contaminated and something must be done to restore the site as an area that provides diverse habitats, respects the flood plain, establishes a corridor from Malin Bridge to Bradfield and creates an environment that encourages both local people and the wider communities to enjoy this unique valley.

If not the development of 300 homes then what? The site just can’t be left as it is.


Hello Ric. We agree. We really do want to reach the point where we can discuss constructive solutions. But right now we think the priority is to support the councils’ refusal of planning permission, and to ensure that the city wins the planning appeal. That’s where all our energies have to be concentrated until April. After that, who knows? Perhaps we might be able to sit down with the developers and try to work together on a really imaginative compromise?

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