The old factories viewed from Loxley Road

Loxley valley planning inquiry resumes for final three days

The planning inquiry into the proposed redevelopment of the old Loxley valley factories will resume today, Monday June 7th, for a final three days of evidence.

The factory owners, Patrick Properties, are appealing against Sheffield City Council’s refusal of planning permission for up to 300 homes on the site.

Friends of the Loxley Valley and CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire are taking part in the inquiry. We are arguing the council was right to refuse permission.

Planning Inspector Martin Whitehead must decide whether to uphold the appeal.

He heard two weeks of evidence in April before adjourning the inquiry until today.

He is holding the inquiry online because of the continuing Covid restrictions.

The Planning Inspectorate are live-streaming proceedings via a public video feed on their YouTube channel:

What will happen this week?

The inquiry is due to resume at 2pm today, Monday June 7th.

Patrick Properties main planning witness Gary Halman will present his evidence. The other parties will then cross examine the evidence.

Mr Halman is due to continue on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, the inquiry will consider what conditions and obligations Patrick Properties should be required to meet IF the inspector decides to uphold the appeal.

The parties to the inquiry will make their closing submissions on Wednesday after considering all the evidence.

For a summary of the evidence we have presented so far, please see our earlier news post from when the inquiry adjourned:

When will the outcome be known?

The Planning Inspector must take time to consider all the evidence after the inquiry closes.

He will also visit the old factory sites in the light of the evidence. This will help him to consider the impact on the Loxley valley of the proposed development.

He is expected to announce his decision later this summer.

Thank you for your donations to our fighting fund

Friends of the Loxley Valley and CPRE Peak District and South Yorkshire would like to thank everybody who has donated to our online fighting fund.

Your kind donations have covered the costs of preparing for the inquiry, and made it possible for us to take part. Thank you again!

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